應大眾祈請,「2020 心靈提升營」將於 2020/6/13(六) 上午透過網路首播。本次營隊課程主題訂為「幸福人生」,由真如老師、如淨和尚、僧團法師授課,14(日) 上午同時段重播,歡迎各界大德選擇一日上線參與。
為獲得較好的連線品質,於課程中與講師們更即時互動、回饋交流,建議手機/平板使用者以【澈見幸福 App】觀看。同場另外備有 YouTube 英語口譯頻道,方便使用英語的朋友收看。
【2020 心靈提升營資訊】
一、日期:6/13(六) 首播、6/14(日) 重播,可擇一日參加
二、時間:上午 08:20~11:30 (台北標準時間 GMT+8)
七、語言:中文,並附英語即時口譯頻道 (YouTube)
1. 建議手機/平板用戶使用【澈見幸福 App】,App 下載與安裝請見 https://m.luciditv.app/Download
2. YouTube 「中文」課程網址:
► 6/13(六) 網址:https://youtu.be/8P1GtgGvCFU
► 6/14(日) 重播網址:https://youtu.be/0I_JloKkjt8
(課程期間 Youtube 頻道如遇中斷因緣,請回本文查詢最新頻道連結)
● 溫馨提醒:
(1) 請您提前上線測試網路設備、影音等狀況,並準時入座,讓您在課程中更能安穩聽聞
(2) 課程當天早上 7:30 起,【澈見幸福 App】將有直播體驗,協助您熟悉操作的步驟、介面及「提問」功能
九、客服(Line 群組):
可點擊【福智遠距學習客服】連結 http://line.me/ti/g/dhE_uMr8bU,啟動 Line 後加入群組,疑問解答後請退出,以將名額留給其他需要的人,謝謝
2020 Spiritual Enhancement Seminar 6/13, 14 Joyous Living!
How should we transform the frustration and stress in life away from sorrow? One thought and it could be heaven or hell. How do we master the key to happiness and be in control of our own life?
At the public's request, "2020 Global Spiritual Enhancement Seminar" will premiere online on the morning of 13 June, 2020 (Sat). The theme is "Joyous Living", which is taught by Teacher Zhen-Ru, Venerable Ru-Jing, and Venerable from the Sanga community. Replay will be at the same time on the morning of 14 (Sun). All are welcome to choose their day of online participation.
We recommend Lucidity App for mobile/tablet users because it allows a better connection and a real time interaction with the lecturers. For English speakers, there will be a simultaneous translation streaming via YouTube.
Information on 2020 Spiritual Enhancement Seminar
1. Date: First broadcast on 6/13 (Sat) and rebroadcast on 6/14 (Sun)
2. Time: 08:20-11:30 am (Taipei Standard Time GMT+8)
3. Theme: Joyous Living
4. The Instructing Teacher: Teacher Zhen-Ru
5. The Teaching Venerable: Venerable Ru-Jing, and Venerable from the Sanga community
6. Target Audience: Lamrim students and the general public
7. Language: Chinese, with simultaneous English translation streaming (YouTube)
8. Participation methods:
(1) We recommend mobile phone/tablet users use Lucidity App, please see https://m.luciditv.app/Download for App download and installation instructions
(2) YouTube English (only) URL:
► 13 June (Sat) URL: https://youtu.be/dBsIigJMHEA
► 14 June (Sun) URL - Replay: https://youtu.be/vIsUJgOZuf8
(If the YouTube URL is interrupted during the seminar, please return to this article for the latest URL)
● Friendly reminders:
a. To participate in the seminar attentively, please check beforehand your network equipment, audio, video qualities, and be seated on time.
b. At 07:30 am on 13 June, there will be a live broadcast test to help you become familiar with the App's operation steps, interface and "question" function.
1. Date:
First broadcast on 6/13 (Sat) and rebroadcast on 6/14 (Sun)
2. Time:
08:20-11:30 am (Taipei Standard Time GMT+8)
3. Theme:
Joyous Living
4. The Instructing Teacher:
Teacher Zhen-Ru
5. The Teaching Venerable:
Venerable Ru-Jing, and Venerable from the Sanga community
6. Target Audience:
Lamrim students and the general public
7. Language:
Chinese, with simultaneous English translation streaming (YouTube)
8. Participation methods:
(1) We recommend mobile phone/tablet users use Lucidity App, please see https://m.luciditv.app/Download for App download and installation instructions
(2) YouTube English (only) URL:
► 13 June (Sat) URL: https://youtu.be/dBsIigJMHEA
► 14 June (Sun) URL - Replay: https://youtu.be/vIsUJgOZuf8
(If the YouTube URL is interrupted during the seminar, please return to this article for the latest URL)
● Friendly reminders:
a. To participate in the seminar attentively, please check beforehand your network equipment, audio, video qualities, and be seated on time.
b. At 07:30 am on 13 June, there will be a live broadcast test to help you become familiar with the App's operation steps, interface and "question" function.
9. Customer Service (Line Group):
You can click the link http://line.me/ti/g/dhE_uMr8bU to join the Line discussion group 【福智遠距學習客服】 (Bliss and Wisdom Remote Learning Customer Service) after launching Line App. Please quit the group after your question is answered to save the member quota for others.
9. Customer Service (Line Group):
You can click the link http://line.me/ti/g/dhE_uMr8bU to join the Line discussion group 【福智遠距學習客服】 (Bliss and Wisdom Remote Learning Customer Service) after launching Line App. Please quit the group after your question is answered to save the member quota for others.