
[ 活動內文 ]



為了饒益廣大信眾,福智僧團將於 2016 年 5 月 12 至 14 日舉辦為期三天的「春季誦經超薦法會」,歡迎大眾前來參與,為親友、祖先培福。日常老和尚楷定持誦《大般若經》,希望以佛菩薩的力量、法的力量、僧的力量,以及大眾自心的力量達到「冥陽兩利」之效──已故親友、歷代祖先遠離三惡道,投生善道,得到佛菩薩的攝護;在世的親友消除業障、病障,福慧增長,六時吉祥。


本寺自即日起,提供「線上迴向申請」,至 2016 年 5 月 13 日 (五) 17:30 截止。


2016 年 5 月 12 至 14 日,本寺也提供「線上誦經超薦」,讓不克前往參與法會的信眾能造下殊勝共業。






In China, the prayer for the deceased was originated from Emperor Liang Wu Di. It is said that his wife, Empress Chi, was a jealous person when she was alive and was reborn into the lower realms as a snake after passing away. One day, she appeared in the palace to seek help from Emperor Liang (Wu Di). Emperor Liang immediately approached Dharma Master Zhi Gong for help. Thus, Dharma Master Zhi Gong composed the《Emperor Liang's Treasury of Repentance》and conducted a Dharma ceremony. Finally, Empress Chi was extricated from the animal realm and reborn in the heavenly realm. Since the offerings of vegetarian food were for the sentient beings who inhabited the water and land, the ceremony eventually developed into a prayer ceremony for the spirits. Many people take the chance to set up "Rebirth Tablet" for their late relatives, friends and ancestors, during the ceremony that is held in the monastery. They also seek blessings for their living relatives and friends.


For the benefit of all devotees, the Bliss & Wisdom Sangha will conduct a three-day "Spring Sutra Chanting Ceremony" from 12 May 2016 to 14 May 2016 in Taiwan. We welcome everyone to participate in this event for cultivating blessings for our relatives, friends and ancestors. Master Venerable Jih-Chang decided on the chanting of the《Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Mahāprajñāpāramitā Sutra)》. With the strengths from the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharma and Sangha, as well as, everyone's sincerity, he hoped to achieve the effects of benefiting both the deceased and the living — late relatives, friends and ancestors will be extricated from the miserable realms, reborn in the happy realms and gain protection from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; the living relatives and friends are free of karmic obstacles and illnesses, enjoy increase of happiness and wisdom, be well and safe at every moment.


You can submit the "online application for dedication of merits" to the monastery with effect from today. The closing date is 13 May 2016, 5:30pm.


From 12 May 2016 to 14 May 2016, the monastery will also provide online access to the Chanting Prayer and dedicate the merits of the ceremony, so as to let devotees who are unable to attend the ceremony to have the chance to create this splendid collective karma. For every living person whose name is on the name list for dedication of merits, the Bliss & Wisdom Sangha will supplicate for "the eradication of karmic obstacles and illnesses, healthy body and mind, safety for the whole family, increase of happiness and wisdom". For the deceased, Bliss and Wisdom Sangha will supplicate for "advantageous rebirths in the happy realms, increase of merits and wisdom". The application for this event is completely free.


Please contact us for any enquiries.


[ 線上誦經 ]

福智僧團將於 5 月 12 至 14 日舉行「春季誦經超薦法會」,若您不克親往,歡迎利用「線上誦經」一起造下殊勝的善業!

Bliss & Wisdom Sangha will be holding a three-day "Spring Sutra Chanting Ceremony" from May 12 to 14, 2016. If you are unable to attend the ceremony personally, feel free to utilise the "Online Sutra-chanting" service to achieve virtuous collective merits.

大般若經第468卷 大般若經第469卷 大般若經第470卷


[ 供養鳳山寺 ]


1. 單次信用卡線上捐款
捐款網址: https://www.blisswisdom.org/donate/nonmember?donate=monks

2. 銀行轉帳
銀行名稱:上海商業儲蓄銀行 南京東路分行
無論您是在銀行進行臨櫃匯款、無摺存款,或利用網路銀行、ATM 轉帳,請於捐款完畢後前往「匯款資料填寫」回報,以便本會比對捐款資料。

3. 郵政劃撥


[ 請問法師 ]


If you have any related questions, feel free to raise them to us. Bliss & Wisdom Sangha will answer the questions accordingly in the column "Q&A to the Venerables".





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